Getting started =============== This package requires Python 3.8 or above. Please follow the instructions below to install the package. Depending on your needs, you can choose between two types of installation. Installing dessia_common through pip (Windows and Linux users) -------------------------------------------------------- To install the latest version of the package you need to run the following command:: pip install dessia_common # or pip3 install dessia_common To install a specific version of the package you would issue the following command:: pip install dessia_common==0.1.0 # or pip3 install dessia_common==0.1.0 Developer installation ---------------------- First, clone the package. Then, enter the newly created dessia_common repository. Finally, develop the file, and you are good to go ! :: git clone cd dessia_common pip install dessia_common -e . Requirements ------------ The installation of dessia_common requires the installation of other packages listed in the file and in the table below. These libraries will be automatically installed when you install dessia_common. ============= =============== =========== Dependency Minimum Version Usage ============= =============== =========== orjson 3.8.0 computation networkx latest computation numpy latest computation scipy latest computation pyDOE2 latest computation dectree latest computation openpyxl latest computation parameterized latest test scikit-learn 1.2.0 computation cma latest computation docx latest computation python-docx latest computation matplotlib latest display ============= =============== =========== Troubleshooting --------------- If the installation is successful but your IDE don't recognize the package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this case you may have several versions of Python installed on your computer. Make sure the `pip` command points to the right Python version, or that you have selected the desired Python version in your IDE. You can force the installation of the package on a given Python version by executing this command:: python -m pip install dessia_common You have to specify the Python version you are working with by replacing `python` by the Python of your choice. For example, `python3`, `python3.8`, `python3.9`, etc.