Source code for plot_data.core

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Definition of language and plots

import json
import math
import os
import sys
import datetime
import tempfile
import warnings
import webbrowser
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon, Circle, Arc
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle as Rect

    # dessia_common >= 0.12.0
    from dessia_common.serialization import serialize
except ImportError:
    # dessia_common < 0.12.0.
    from dessia_common.utils.serialization import serialize

from dessia_common.core import DessiaObject
from dessia_common.exports import ExportFormat
from dessia_common.typings import JsonSerializable

import plot_data.colors
from plot_data import templates

# CURVES_DATATYPE = Union(List[float], List[str], List[List[float]], List[Dict[str, Any]])

[docs] def delete_none_from_dict(dict1): """ Delete input dictionary's keys where value is None. """ dict2 = {} for key, value in dict1.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): dict2[key] = delete_none_from_dict(value) else: if value is not None: dict2[key] = value return dict2
def serialize_dates_in_list(list_): for i, element in enumerate(list_): list_[i] = serialize_dates(element) return list_ def serialize_dates_in_dict(dict_): for (key, value) in dict_.items(): dict_[key] = serialize_dates(value) return dict_ def serialize_dates(serializable): if isinstance(serializable, list): return serialize_dates_in_list(serializable) if isinstance(serializable, dict): return serialize_dates_in_dict(serializable) if isinstance(serializable, datetime.datetime): return f"{serializable.timestamp() * 1000}gmt+" return serializable
[docs] class PlotDataObject(DessiaObject): """ Abstract interface for DessiaObject implementation in module. """ _plot_commands = "EMPTY_TEMPLATE" _plot_buttons = "EMPTY_BUTTONS" def __init__(self, type_: str, name: str = '', **kwargs): self.type_ = type_ DessiaObject.__init__(self, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_dict(self, **kwargs) -> JsonSerializable: """ Redefines DessiaObject's to_dict() in order not to use pointers and remove keys where value is None. """ if 'use_pointers' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('use_pointers') dict_ = DessiaObject.to_dict(self, use_pointers=False, **kwargs) del dict_['object_class'] dict_ = serialize_dates_in_dict(dict_) new_dict_ = delete_none_from_dict(dict_) return new_dict_
# @classmethod # def dict_to_object(cls, dict_: JsonSerializable, force_generic: bool = False, global_dict=None, # pointers_memo: Dict[str, Any] = None, path: str = '#') -> 'DessiaObject': # """ Reset object_class in order to instantiate right object. """ # type_ = dict_['type_'] # object_class = TYPE_TO_CLASS[type_] # dict_["object_class"] = f"{object_class.__module__}.{object_class.__name__}" # return DessiaObject.dict_to_object(dict_=dict_, force_generic=True, global_dict=global_dict, # pointers_memo=pointers_memo, path=path)
[docs] def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Overloading of dessia object mpl_plot. """ warnings.warn(f'class {self.__class__.__name__} does not implement mpl_plot, not plotting.') return ax
class Figure(PlotDataObject): """ Abstract interface for handling html exportable objects in module. """ _standalone_in_db = True def __init__(self, type_: str, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = '', **kwargs): self.width = width self.height = height self.axis_on = axis_on PlotDataObject.__init__(self, type_=type_, name=name, **kwargs) @property def template(self): """ Get html template of current Figure object. """ return templates.get_html_string(command_name=self._plot_commands, button_name=self._plot_buttons) # return getattr(templates, self._plot_commands) def _export_formats(self) -> List[ExportFormat]: """ Return a list of objects describing how to call generic exports (.json, .xlsx). """ formats = super()._export_formats() formats.append(ExportFormat(selector="html", extension="html", method_name="to_html_stream", text=False)) return formats def _to_html(self, local: bool = False, canvas_id: str = 'canvas', version: str = None): lib_path = plot_data_path(local=local, version=version) return self.template.substitute(data=json.dumps(self.to_dict()), core_path=lib_path, canvas_id=canvas_id, width=self.width, height=self.height) def to_html_stream(self, stream, local: bool = False, canvas_id: str = 'canvas', version: str = None): """ Export current Figure to its equivalent html stream file. """ html = self._to_html(local=local, canvas_id=canvas_id, version=version) stream.write(html) def to_html(self, filepath: str = None, local: bool = False, canvas_id: str = 'canvas', version: str = None): """ Export current Figure to an HTML file given by the filepath. """ filepath = make_filepath(filepath=filepath) with open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as file: self.to_html_stream(file, local=local, canvas_id=canvas_id, version=version) return filepath def plot_data(self, **kwargs): return [self] def plot(self, filepath: str = None, **kwargs): filepath = self.to_html(filepath=filepath, **kwargs)'file://' + os.path.realpath(filepath)) class ReferencedObject(PlotDataObject): """ PlotData object with reference_path. """ def __init__(self, type_: str, reference_path: str = "#", name: str = ""): self.reference_path = reference_path super().__init__(type_=type_, name=name) class Shape(ReferencedObject): """ Shape object. """ def __init__(self, type_: str, reference_path: str = "#", tooltip: str = None, name: str = ""): self.tooltip = tooltip super().__init__(type_=type_, reference_path=reference_path, name=name) class Sample(ReferencedObject): """ Graph Point. """ def __init__(self, values, reference_path: str = "#", name: str = ""): self.values = values super().__init__(type_="sample", reference_path=reference_path, name=name) def to_dict(self, use_pointers: bool = True, memo=None, path: str = '#', id_method=True, id_memo=None) -> JsonSerializable: """ Overwrite generic to_dict. TODO Check if it can be generic (probably) """ dict_ = PlotDataObject.to_dict(self, use_pointers=use_pointers, memo=memo, path=path, id_method=id_method, id_memo=id_memo) dict_ = serialize_dates_in_dict(dict_) dict_.update({"reference_path": self.reference_path, "name":}) dict_.update(serialize(self.values)) # TODO Keeping values at dict_ level before refactor, should be removed after and use dict_["values"] instead return dict_ @classmethod def dict_to_object(cls, dict_: JsonSerializable, **_) -> 'Sample': """ Overwrite generic dict_to_object. TODO Check if it can be generic (probably) """ reference_path = dict_["reference_path"] name = dict_["name"] values = dict_["values"] return cls(values=values, reference_path=reference_path, name=name) def plot_data(self, reference_path: str = "#", **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Method plot_data is not defined for class Sample.")
[docs] class HatchingSet(DessiaObject): """ A class for setting hatchings on a surface. :param stroke_width: lines' width :type stroke_width: float :param hatch_spacing: the spacing between two hatching in pixels :type hatch_spacing: float """ def __init__(self, stroke_width: float = 1, hatch_spacing: float = 10, name: str = ''): self.stroke_width = stroke_width self.hatch_spacing = hatch_spacing DessiaObject.__init__(self, name=name)
class Window(DessiaObject): """ Define a Window object. """ def __init__(self, width: float, height: float, name: str = ''): self.width = width self.height = height DessiaObject.__init__(self, name=name)
[docs] class EdgeStyle(DessiaObject): """ A class for customizing edges (such as lines) style. :param line_width: line width in pixels. :type line_width: float :param color_stroke: the edge's color (rgb255). :type color_stroke: plot_data.Colors.Color :param dashline: a list of positive floats [a1,...,an] representing \ a pattern where a_2i is the number of solid pixels and a_2i+1 is \ the number of empty pixels. :type dashline: List[float] """ def __init__(self, line_width: float = None, color_stroke: plot_data.colors.Color = None, dashline: List[int] = None, name: str = ''): self.line_width = line_width self.color_stroke = color_stroke self.dashline = dashline DessiaObject.__init__(self, name=name)
[docs] def mpl_arguments(self, surface=False): """ Get matplotlib equivalent values of attributes. """ args = {} if self.color_stroke: if surface: args['edgecolor'] = self.color_stroke.rgb else: args['color'] = self.color_stroke.rgb if self.line_width: args['linewidth'] = self.line_width if self.dashline: args['dashes'] = self.dashline return args
[docs] class PointStyle(DessiaObject): """ A class for customizing Point2D. :param color_fill: must be in rgb255. :type color_fill: str :param color_stroke: must be in rgb255. :type color_stroke: str :param stroke_width: the point contour's width. :type stroke_width: float :param size: must be 1, 2, 3 or 4. :type size: float :param shape: 'circle', 'square' or 'crux'. :type shape: str """ def __init__(self, color_fill: str = None, color_stroke: str = None, stroke_width: float = None, size: float = None, shape: str = None, orientation: str = None, name: str = ''): self.color_fill = color_fill self.color_stroke = color_stroke self.stroke_width = stroke_width self.size = size # 1, 2, 3 or 4 self.shape = shape self.orientation = orientation DessiaObject.__init__(self, name=name)
[docs] def mpl_arguments(self): """ Get matplotlib equivalent values of attributes. """ args = {} if self.color_fill: args['color'] = self.color_fill.rgb if self.color_stroke: args['markeredgecolor'] = self.color_stroke.rgb return args
[docs] @classmethod def dict_to_object(cls, dict_, *args, **kwargs): """ Overwrite generic dict_to_object. """ obj = DessiaObject.dict_to_object(dict_, *args, **kwargs) if obj.color_fill: obj.color_fill = plot_data.colors.Color.dict_to_object(obj.color_fill) if obj.color_stroke: obj.color_stroke = plot_data.colors.Color.dict_to_object(obj.color_stroke) return obj
[docs] class TextStyle(DessiaObject): """ A class for customizing Text. :param text_color: the text's color :type text_color: plot_data.colors.Colors :param font_size: the font size :type font_size: float :param font_style: 'Arial', 'Verdana', 'Times New Roman', 'Courier \ New', 'serif' or 'sans-serif' :type font_style: str :param text_align_x: "left", "right", "center", "start" or "end". \ More info on :type text_align_x: str :param text_align_y: "top", "hanging", "middle", "alphabetic", \ "ideographic" or "bottom". More info on \ :type text_align_y: str :param bold: :type bold: bool :param italic: :type italic: bool :param angle: Text angle in degrees. The angle is clockwise. :type angle: float """ def __init__(self, text_color: plot_data.colors.Color = None, font_size: float = None, font_style: str = None, text_align_x: str = None, text_align_y: str = None, bold: bool = None, italic: bool = None, angle: float = None, name: str = ''): self.text_color = text_color self.font_size = font_size self.font_style = font_style self.text_align_x = text_align_x self.text_align_y = text_align_y self.bold = bold self.italic = italic self.angle = angle DessiaObject.__init__(self, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def dict_to_object(cls, dict_, *args, **kwargs): """ Overwrite generic dict_to_object. """ obj = DessiaObject.dict_to_object(dict_, force_generic=True, *args, **kwargs) if obj.text_color: obj.text_color = plot_data.colors.Color.dict_to_object(obj.text_color) return obj
[docs] class SurfaceStyle(DessiaObject): """ A class for customizing surfaces. :param color_fill: fill color :type color_fill: str :param opacity: from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). :type opacity: float :param hatching: for setting hatchings :type hatching: HatchingSet """ def __init__(self, color_fill: str = None, opacity: float = 1., hatching: HatchingSet = None, name: str = ''): # TODO: migrate from str to Color object self.color_fill = color_fill self.opacity = opacity self.hatching = hatching DessiaObject.__init__(self, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def dict_to_object(cls, dict_, *args, **kwargs): """ Overwrite generic dict_to_object. """ obj = DessiaObject.dict_to_object(dict_, force_generic=True, *args, **kwargs) if obj.color_fill: obj.color_fill = plot_data.colors.Color.dict_to_object(obj.color_fill) return obj
[docs] def mpl_arguments(self): """ Get matplotlib equivalent values of attributes. """ args = {} if self.color_fill: args['facecolor'] = self.color_fill.rgb if self.hatching: args['hatch'] = "\\" if self.opacity and self.opacity > 0: args['alpha'] = self.opacity args['fill'] = True return args
DEFAULT_EDGESTYLE = EdgeStyle(color_stroke=plot_data.colors.BLACK) DEFAULT_POINTSTYLE = PointStyle(color_stroke=plot_data.colors.BLACK, color_fill=plot_data.colors.WHITE) DEFAULT_TEXTSTYLE = TextStyle(text_color=plot_data.colors.BLACK) DEFAULT_SURFACESTYLE = SurfaceStyle(color_fill=plot_data.colors.WHITE, opacity=1.) # Not sure about opacity=1 in TS
[docs] class Attribute(PlotDataObject): """ Represents an attribute. :param type_: The attribute's type (in that case, values are either 'float', 'color' or 'string') :param name: The attribute's name """ def __init__(self, type_: str, name: str): PlotDataObject.__init__(self, type_=type_, name=name)
[docs] class PointFamily(PlotDataObject): """ A class that defines a point family. This class can be used in MultiplePlots to create families of points. :param point_color: a color that is proper to this family (rgb255) :param point_index: a list containing the point's index from MultiplePlots.elements """ def __init__(self, point_color: str, point_index: List[int], name: str = ''): self.color = point_color self.indices = point_index PlotDataObject.__init__(self, type_=None, name=name)
[docs] class Text(Shape): """ A class for displaying texts on canvas. Text is a primitive and can be instantiated by PrimitiveGroup. :param comment: the comment you want to display :type comment: str :param position_x: the text's x position :type position_x: float :param position_y: the text's y position :type position_y: float :param text_style: for customization (optional) :type text_style: TextStyle :param text_scaling: True if you want the text the be rescaled when zooming and False otherwise. :type text_scaling: bool :param max_width: Set a maximum length for the text. If the text is longer than max_width, it is split into several lines. :type max_width: float :param multi_lines: This parameter is only useful when max_width parameter is set. In that case, you can choose between squishing the text in one line or writing on multiple lines. :type multi_lines: bool """ def __init__(self, comment: str, position_x: float, position_y: float, text_style: TextStyle = None, text_scaling: bool = None, max_width: float = None, height: float = None, multi_lines: bool = True, reference_path: str = "#", tooltip: str = None, name: str = ''): self.comment = comment self.text_style = text_style self.position_x = position_x self.position_y = position_y self.text_scaling = text_scaling self.max_width = max_width self.height = height self.multi_lines = multi_lines super().__init__(type_='text', reference_path=reference_path, tooltip=tooltip, name=name)
[docs] def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, color='k', alpha=1., **kwargs): """ Plots using Matplotlib. """ if not ax: _, ax = plt.subplots() ax.text(self.position_x, self.position_y, self.comment, color=color, alpha=alpha, **kwargs) return ax
[docs] class Line2D(Shape): """ An infinite line. Line2D is a primitive and can be instantiated by PrimitiveGroups. :param point1: first endpoint of the line segment [x1, y1]. :type point1: List[float] :param point2: first endpoint of the line segment [x2, y2]. :type point2: List[float] :param edge_style: for customization :type edge_style: EdgeStyle """ def __init__(self, point1: List[float], point2: List[float], edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, reference_path: str = "#", tooltip: str = None, name: str = ''): = point1 + point2 # Retrocompatibility self.point1 = point1 self.point2 = point2 self.edge_style = edge_style super().__init__(type_='line2d', reference_path=reference_path, tooltip=tooltip, name=name)
[docs] def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, edge_style=None, **kwargs): """ Plots using matplotlib. """ if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() if edge_style: style = edge_style color = style.color_stroke.rgb dashes = style.dashline ax.axline(([0],[1]), ([2],[3]), color=color, dashes=dashes, **kwargs) else: ax.axline(([0],[1]), ([2],[3]), **kwargs) return ax
[docs] class LineSegment2D(Shape): """ A line segment. This is a primitive that can be called by PrimitiveGroup. :param point1: first endpoint of the line segment [x1, y1]. :type point1: List[float] :param point2: first endpoint of the line segment [x2, y2]. :type point2: List[float] :param edge_style: for customization :type edge_style: EdgeStyle """ def __init__(self, point1: List[float], point2: List[float], edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, reference_path: str = "#", tooltip: str = None, name: str = ''): # Data is used in typescript = point1 + point2 self.point1 = point1 self.point2 = point2 if edge_style is None: edge_style = EdgeStyle() self.edge_style = edge_style super().__init__(type_='linesegment2d', reference_path=reference_path, tooltip=tooltip, name=name)
[docs] def bounding_box(self): """ Get 2D bounding box of current LineSegment2D. """ return (min([0],[2]), max([0],[2]), min([1],[3]), max([1],[3]))
[docs] def polygon_points(self): """ Get lists of points in a merged list. """ return [self.point1, self.point2]
[docs] def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, edge_style=None, **kwargs): """ Plots using matplotlib. """ if not ax: _, ax = plt.subplots() if edge_style is None: if self.edge_style: edge_style = self.edge_style else: edge_style = DEFAULT_EDGESTYLE ax.plot([self.point1[0], self.point2[0]], [self.point1[1], self.point2[1]], **edge_style.mpl_arguments(), **kwargs) return ax
class Wire(Shape): """ A set of connected lines. It also provides highlighting feature. :param lines: [(x1, y1), ..., (xn,yn)] :type lines: List[Tuple[float, float]] :param edge_style: Line settings :type edge_style: EdgeStyle :param tooltip: a message that is displayed in a tooltip :type tooltip: str """ def __init__(self, lines: List[Tuple[float, float]], edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, tooltip: str = None, reference_path: str = "#", name: str = ""): self.lines = lines self.edge_style = edge_style super().__init__(type_="wire", reference_path=reference_path, tooltip=tooltip, name=name) def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots using matplotlib. """ if not ax: _, ax = plt.subplots() if self.edge_style: edge_style = self.edge_style else: edge_style = DEFAULT_EDGESTYLE ax.plot([p[0] for p in self.lines], [p[1] for p in self.lines], **edge_style.mpl_arguments(), **kwargs) return ax
[docs] class Circle2D(Shape): """ A circle. It is a primitive and can be instantiated by PrimitiveGroup. :param cx: the center's x position. :type cx: float :param cy: the center's y position :type cy: float :param r: radius :type r: float :param edge_style: customization of the circle's contour :type edge_style: EdgeStyle :param surface_style: customization of the circle's interior :type surface_style: SurfaceStyle :param tooltip: tooltip message :type tooltip: str """ def __init__(self, cx: float, cy: float, r: float, edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle = None, tooltip: str = None, reference_path: str = "#", name: str = ''): self.edge_style = edge_style self.surface_style = surface_style self.r = r = cx = cy super().__init__(type_='circle', reference_path=reference_path, tooltip=tooltip, name=name)
[docs] def bounding_box(self): """ Get 2D bounding box of current Circle2D. """ return - self.r, + self.r, - self.r, + self.r
[docs] def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots using matplotlib. """ if not ax: _, ax = plt.subplots() if self.edge_style: edge_style = self.edge_style else: edge_style = DEFAULT_EDGESTYLE args = edge_style.mpl_arguments(surface=True) if 'dashes' in args: args.pop("dashes") if self.surface_style: surface_style = self.surface_style else: surface_style = DEFAULT_SURFACESTYLE args.update(surface_style.mpl_arguments()) ax.add_patch(Circle((,, self.r, **args), **kwargs) return ax
class Rectangle(Shape): """ Class to draw a rectangle. """ def __init__(self, x_coord: float, y_coord: float, width: float, height: float, edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle = None, tooltip: str = None, reference_path: str = "#", name: str = ''): self.x_coord = x_coord self.y_coord = y_coord self.width = width self.height = height self.surface_style = surface_style self.edge_style = edge_style super().__init__(type_='rectangle', reference_path=reference_path, tooltip=tooltip, name=name) def bounding_box(self): """ Get 2D bounding box of current Circle2D. """ return self.x_coord, self.x_coord + self.width, self.y_coord, self.y_coord + self.height def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots using matplotlib. """ if not ax: _, ax = plt.subplots() if self.edge_style: edge_style = self.edge_style else: edge_style = DEFAULT_EDGESTYLE args = edge_style.mpl_arguments(surface=True) if 'dashes' in args: args.pop("dashes") if self.surface_style: surface_style = self.surface_style else: surface_style = DEFAULT_SURFACESTYLE args.update(surface_style.mpl_arguments()) ax.add_patch(Rect([self.x_coord, self.y_coord], self.width, self.height, **args), **kwargs) return ax class RoundRectangle(Rectangle): """ Class to draw a round rectangle. """ def __init__(self, x_coord: float, y_coord: float, width: float, height: float, radius: float = 2, edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle = None, tooltip: str = None, reference_path: str = "#", name: str = ''): super().__init__(x_coord, y_coord, width, height, edge_style, surface_style, tooltip, reference_path=reference_path, name=name) self.type_ = "roundrectangle" self.radius = radius
[docs] class Point2D(Shape): """ A class for instantiating a point. :param cx: the point center's x position :type cx: float :param cy: the point center's y position :type cy: float :param point_style: the point's customization. :type point_style: PointStyle """ def __init__(self, cx: float, cy: float, point_style: PointStyle = None, reference_path: str = "#", tooltip: str = None, name: str = ''): = cx = cy self.point_style = point_style super().__init__(type_='point', reference_path=reference_path, tooltip=tooltip, name=name)
[docs] def bounding_box(self): """ Get 2D bounding box of current Circle2D. """ return,,,
[docs] def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots using matplotlib. """ if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() if self.point_style: style = self.point_style else: style = DEFAULT_POINTSTYLE ax.plot([], [], marker='o', **style.mpl_arguments(), **kwargs) return ax
[docs] class Axis(PlotDataObject): """ A class that contains information for drawing axis. :param nb_points_x: the average number of points displayed on the \ x-axis. :type nb_points_x: int :param nb_points_y: the average number of points displayed on the \ y-axis. :type nb_points_y: int :param graduation_style: for graduation customization :type graduation_style: TextStyle :param axis_style: for customizing the axis itself. :type axis_style: EdgeStyle :param arrow_on: True if you want an arrow to be displayed on axis,\ False otherwise. :type arrow_on: bool :param grid_on: True if you want the display a grid, False otherwise :type grid_on: bool """ def __init__(self, nb_points_x: int = None, nb_points_y: int = None, graduation_style: TextStyle = None, axis_style: EdgeStyle = None, arrow_on: bool = False, grid_on: bool = True, name: str = ''): self.nb_points_x = nb_points_x self.nb_points_y = nb_points_y self.graduation_style = graduation_style self.axis_style = axis_style self.arrow_on = arrow_on self.grid_on = grid_on PlotDataObject.__init__(self, type_='axis', name=name)
[docs] class Tooltip(PlotDataObject): """ A class that contains information for drawing a tooltip when clicking on points. :param attributes: a list containing the attributes \ you want to display. Attributes must be taken from Dataset's or \ Scatter's elements. :type attributes: List[str] :param surface_style: for customizing the tooltip's interior :type surface_style: SurfaceStyle :param text_style: for customizing its text :type text_style: TextStyle :param tooltip_radius: a tooltip is rounded-rectangle-shaped. \ This parameter defines its corners radius. :type tooltip_radius: float """ def __init__(self, attributes: List[str] = None, text: str = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle = None, text_style: TextStyle = None, tooltip_radius: float = None, name: str = ''): self.attributes = attributes self.text = text self.surface_style = surface_style if surface_style is None: self.surface_style = SurfaceStyle(color_fill=plot_data.colors.LIGHTBLUE, opacity=0.75) self.text_style = text_style if text_style is None: self.text_style = TextStyle(text_color=plot_data.colors.BLACK, font_size=10) self.tooltip_radius = tooltip_radius PlotDataObject.__init__(self, type_='tooltip', name=name)
[docs] class Dataset(PlotDataObject): """ Numerous points are joined by line segments to display a mathematical curve. Datasets are instantiated by Graph2D to display multiple datasets on one canvas. :param elements: A list of vectors. Vectors must have the same \ attributes (ie the same keys) :type elements: List[dict] :param edge_style: for customizing line segments. :type edge_style: EdgeStyle :param point_style: for customizing points :type point_style: PointStyle :param tooltip: an object containing all information for drawing \ tooltips :type tooltip: Tooltip :param display_step: a value that limits the number of points \ displayed. :type display_step: int :param attribute_names: [attribute_x, attribute_y] where \ attribute_x is the attribute displayed on x-axis and attribute_y \ is the attribute displayed on y-axis. :type attribute_names: [str, str] """ attribute_names = None def __init__(self, elements: List[Sample] = None, edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, tooltip: Tooltip = None, point_style: PointStyle = None, partial_points: bool = None, display_step: int = 1, name: str = ''): self.edge_style = edge_style self.tooltip = tooltip self.point_style = point_style if elements is None: elements = [] sampled_elements = [] for element in elements: # RetroCompat' < 0.11.0 if not isinstance(element, Sample) and isinstance(element, Dict): reference_path = element.pop("reference_path", "#") element_name = element.pop("name", "") sampled_elements.append(Sample(values=element, reference_path=reference_path, name=element_name)) elif isinstance(element, Sample): sampled_elements.append(element) else: raise ValueError(f"Element of type {type(element)} cannot be used as a Dataset data element.") self.elements = sampled_elements self.partial_points = partial_points self.display_step = display_step PlotDataObject.__init__(self, type_='dataset', name=name)
[docs] class Graph2D(Figure): """ Takes one or several Datasets as input and displays them all in one canvas. :param graphs: a list of Datasets :type graphs: List[Dataset] :param x_variable: variable that you want to display on x axis :type x_variable: str :param y_variable: variable that you want to display on y axis :type y_variable: str :param axis: an object containing all information needed for drawing axis :type axis: Axis :param log_scale_x: True or False :type log_scale_x: bool :param log_scale_y: True or False :type log_scale_y: bool """ _plot_commands = "GRAPH_COMMANDS" _plot_buttons = "EMPTY_BUTTONS" def __init__(self, graphs: List[Dataset], x_variable: str, y_variable: str, axis: Axis = None, log_scale_x: bool = None, log_scale_y: bool = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = ''): self.graphs = graphs self.attribute_names = [x_variable, y_variable] if axis is None: self.axis = Axis() else: self.axis = axis self.log_scale_x = log_scale_x self.log_scale_y = log_scale_y super().__init__(width=width, height=height, type_='graph2d', axis_on=axis_on, name=name)
[docs] def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots using matplotlib. """ # axs = plt.subplots(len(self.graphs)) _, ax = plt.subplots() xname, yname = self.attribute_names[:2] for dataset in self.graphs: x = [] y = [] for element in dataset.elements: x.append(element[xname]) y.append(element[yname]) ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(xname) ax.set_ylabel(yname) return ax
# TODO: commented code here is supposed to be used soon # def graphs_to_curves(self): # curves = [] # for graph in self.graphs: # x_coords = [] # y_coords = [] # for sample in graph.elements: # x_coords.append(sample[self.attribute_names[0]]) # y_coords.append(sample[self.attribute_names[1]]) # line_width = graph.edge_style.line_width # color = graph.edge_style.color_stroke # dash_line = graph.edge_style.dashline # marker = graph.point_style.shape # name = # curves.append(Curve(x_coords, y_coords, name, line_width=line_width, color=color, dash_line=dash_line, # marker=marker)) # return curves # def to_plot(self): # return # class Curve(PlotDataObject): # _KWARGS = ['line_width', 'color', 'dash_line', 'marker'] # def __init__(self, x_coords: Union(List[str], List[float]), y_coords: Union(List[str], List[float]) = None, # name: str = '', **kwargs): # self.x_coords, self.y_coords = self.buildCoords(x_coords, y_coords) # self.line_width = None # self.color = None # self.dash_line = None # self.marker = None # self.setStyle(kwargs) # @staticmethod # def buildCoords(x_coords: Union(List[str], List[float]), y_coords: Union(List[str], List[float])): # if y_coords is None: # return list(range(len(y_coords))), x_coords # if len(x_coords) == len(y_coords): # return x_coords, y_coords # raise ValueError("x_coords and y_coords must be the same length.") # def setStyle(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): # for attribute in self._KWARGS: # if attribute in kwargs: # setattr(self, attribute, kwargs[attribute]) # @classmethod # def fromPlot(cls, x_values: CURVES_DATATYPE, y_values: CURVES_DATATYPE, x_variable: str, y_variable: str, # legend: List[str], **kwargs): # if isinstance(x_values[0], float): # if len(legend) != 1 and legend is not None: # raise ValueError("x_values and legend must be the same length.") # if legend is None: # return cls(x_values, y_values, **kwargs) # if len(legend) == 1: # return cls(x_values, y_values, legend[0], **kwargs) # if isinstance(x_values[0], dict): # if x_variable not in x_values[0]: # raise ValueError(f"{x_variable} not in keys of x_values.") # x_coords = []; # y_coords = []; # for elements in x_values: # x_coords.append(elements[x_variable]) # y_coords.append(elements[y_variable]) # return cls(x_coords, y_coords, legend[0], **kwargs) # raise TypeError("x_values must be a list of float or dict.") # class Plot(Figure): # _plot_commands = "GRAPH_COMMANDS" # def __init__(self, x_values: CURVES_DATATYPE, y_values: CURVES_DATATYPE = None, x_variable: str = None, # y_variable: str = None, axis: Axis = None, legend: List[str] = None, width: int = 750, # height: int = 400, name: str = '', **kwargs): # self.curves = self.buildCurves(x_values, y_values, x_variable, y_variable, legend, **kwargs) # if axis is None: # self.axis = Axis() # else: # self.axis = axis # super().__init__(width=width, height=height, type_='graph2d', name=name) # @staticmethod # def buildCurves(x_values: CURVES_DATATYPE, y_values: CURVES_DATATYPE, x_variable: str, y_variable: str, # legend: List[str], **kwargs): # if isinstance(x_values[0], (str, float, dict)): # return [Curve.fromPlot(x_values=x_values, y_values=y_values, x_variable=x_variable, y_variable=y_variable, # legend=legend, **kwargs)] # if isinstance(x_values[0], list): # curves = [] # for x_subvalues, y_subvalues, sub_legend in zip(x_values, y_values, legend): # curves.append(Curve.fromPlot(x_values=x_subvalues, y_values=y_subvalues, x_variable=x_variable, # y_variable=y_variable, legend=sub_legend, **kwargs)) # return curves # if isinstance(x_values[0], Curve): # return x_values class Heatmap(DessiaObject): """ Heatmap is a scatter plot's view. This class contains the Heatmap's parameters. :param size: A tuple of two integers corresponding to the number of squares on the horizontal and vertical sides. :type size: Tuple[int, int] :param colors: The list of colors ranging from low density to high density, e.g. `colors=[plot_data.colors.BLUE, plot_data.colors.RED]` so the low density areas tend to be blue while higher density areas tend to be red. :type colors: List[Colors] :param edge_style: The areas separating lines settings :type edge_style: EdgeStyle """ def __init__(self, size: Tuple[int, int] = None, colors: List[plot_data.colors.Color] = None, edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, name: str = ''): self.size = size self.colors = colors self.edge_style = edge_style DessiaObject.__init__(self, name=name)
[docs] class Scatter(Figure): """ A class for drawing scatter plots. :param elements: A list of vectors. Vectors must have the same attributes (ie the same keys) :param x_variable: variable that you want to display on x axis :param y_variable: variable that you want to display on y axis :param tooltip: an object containing all information needed for drawing tooltips :param point_style: for points' customization :param axis: an object containing all information needed for drawing axis :param log_scale_x: True or False :param log_scale_y: True or False :param heatmap: Heatmap view settings :param heatmap_view: Heatmap view when loading the object. If set to False, you'd still be able to enable it using the button. """ _plot_commands = "SCATTER_COMMANDS" _plot_buttons = "EMPTY_BUTTONS" def __init__(self, x_variable: str = None, y_variable: str = None, tooltip: Tooltip = None, point_style: PointStyle = None, elements: List[Sample] = None, points_sets: List[PointFamily] = None, axis: Axis = None, log_scale_x: bool = None, log_scale_y: bool = None, heatmap: Heatmap = None, heatmap_view: bool = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = ''): self.tooltip = tooltip self.attribute_names = [x_variable, y_variable] self.point_style = point_style if elements is None: elements = [] sampled_elements = [] for element in elements: # RetroCompat' < 0.11.0 if not isinstance(element, Sample) and isinstance(element, Dict): reference_path = element.pop("reference_path", "#") element_name = element.pop("name", "") sampled_elements.append(Sample(values=element, reference_path=reference_path, name=element_name)) elif isinstance(element, Sample): sampled_elements.append(element) else: raise ValueError(f"Element of type {type(element)} cannot be used as a ScatterPlot data element.") self.elements = sampled_elements if not axis: self.axis = Axis() else: self.axis = axis self.log_scale_x = log_scale_x self.log_scale_y = log_scale_y self.heatmap = heatmap self.heatmap_view = heatmap_view self.points_sets = points_sets super().__init__(width=width, height=height, type_='scatterplot', axis_on=axis_on, name=name)
class ScatterMatrix(Figure): """ ScatterMatrix of a list of Samples. """ _plot_commands = "MULTIPLOT_COMMANDS" _plot_buttons = "MULTIPLOT_BUTTONS" def __init__(self, elements: List[Sample] = None, axes: List[str] = None, point_style: PointStyle = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = ""): if elements is None: elements = [] sampled_elements = [] for element in elements: # RetroCompat' < 0.11.0 if not isinstance(element, Sample) and isinstance(element, Dict): reference_path = element.pop("reference_path", "#") element_name = element.pop("name", "") sampled_elements.append(Sample(values=element, reference_path=reference_path, name=element_name)) elif isinstance(element, Sample): sampled_elements.append(element) else: raise ValueError(f"Element of type {type(element)} cannot be used as a ScatterMatrix data element.") self.elements = sampled_elements self.axes = axes self.point_style = point_style self.surface_style = surface_style self.plots = self._build_multiplot() self.initial_view_on = True super().__init__(width=width, height=height, type_="multiplot", axis_on=axis_on, name=name) def _build_multiplot(self): sample_attributes = self.elements[0].values.keys() return [Histogram(col) if row == col else Scatter(row, col) for row in sample_attributes for col in sample_attributes]
[docs] class Arc2D(Shape): """ A class for drawing arcs. Arc2D is a primitive and can be instantiated by PrimitiveGroup. By default, the arc is drawn anticlockwise. :param cx: the arc center's x position :type cx: float :param cy: the arc center's y position :type cy: float :param r: radius :type r: float :param start_angle: the start angle in radian :type start_angle: float :param end_angle: the end angle in radian :type end_angle: float :param data: a list of relevant points for drawing an arc using \ BSPline method. This argument is useless unless the arc2D is part of\ a Contour2D. In such case, the arc must be instantiated by volmdlr. :type data: List[dict] :param clockwise: True if you want the arc the be drawn clockwise, False otherwise :type clockwise: bool :param edge_style: for customization :type edge_style: EdgeStyle """ def __init__(self, cx: float, cy: float, r: float, start_angle: float, end_angle: float, clockwise: bool = None, edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, reference_path: str = "#", tooltip: str = None, name: str = ''): = cx = cy self.r = r self.start_angle = start_angle self.end_angle = end_angle self.clockwise = clockwise self.edge_style = edge_style super().__init__(type_='arc', reference_path=reference_path, tooltip=tooltip, name=name)
[docs] def bounding_box(self): """ Get 2D bounding box of current Circle2D. """ return - self.r, + self.r, - self.r, + self.r
[docs] def polygon_points(self): """ Get lists of points in a merged list. """ points = [] # for primitive in self.plot_data_primitives: # points.extend(primitive.polygon_points()) return points
[docs] def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots using matplotlib. """ if not ax: _, ax = plt.subplots() if self.edge_style: edgecolor = self.edge_style.mpl_arguments(surface=False)['color'] elif "edge_style" in kwargs: edgecolor = kwargs['edge_style'].mpl_arguments(surface=False)["color"] kwargs.pop("edge_style") else: edgecolor = plot_data.colors.BLACK.rgb theta1, theta2 = self.start_angle, self.end_angle if self.clockwise: theta1, theta2 = self.end_angle, self.start_angle ax.add_patch( Arc((,, 2 * self.r, 2 * self.r, angle=0, theta1=theta1 * 0.5 / math.pi * 360, theta2=theta2 * 0.5 / math.pi * 360, edgecolor=edgecolor), **kwargs) return ax
[docs] class Contour2D(Shape): """ A Contour2D is a closed polygon that is formed by multiple primitives. :param plot_data_primitives: a list of primitives \ (Arc2D, LineSegment2D) :type plot_data_primitives: List[Union[Arc2D, LineSegment2D]] :param edge_style: for contour's customization :type edge_style: EdgeStyle :param surface_style: for customizing the interior of the contour :type surface_style: SurfaceStyle :param tooltip: A message that is displayed in a tooltip :type tooltip: str """ def __init__(self, plot_data_primitives: List[Union[Arc2D, LineSegment2D]], edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle = None, tooltip: str = None, reference_path: str = "#", name: str = ''): self.plot_data_primitives = plot_data_primitives self.edge_style = edge_style self.surface_style = surface_style self.is_filled = surface_style is not None super().__init__(type_='contour', reference_path=reference_path, tooltip=tooltip, name=name)
[docs] def bounding_box(self): """ Get 2D bounding box of current Contour2D. """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = math.inf, -math.inf, math.inf, -math.inf for plot_data_primitive in self.plot_data_primitives: if hasattr(plot_data_primitive, 'bounding_box'): bounding_box_ = plot_data_primitive.bounding_box() xmin, xmax = min(xmin, bounding_box_[0]), max(xmax, bounding_box_[1]) ymin, ymax = min(ymin, bounding_box_[2]), max(ymax, bounding_box_[3]) return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
[docs] def polygon_points(self): """ Get lists of points in a merged list. """ points = [] for primitive in self.plot_data_primitives: points.extend(primitive.polygon_points()) return points
[docs] def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots using matplotlib. """ for primitive in self.plot_data_primitives: ax = primitive.mpl_plot(ax=ax, edge_style=self.edge_style) if self.surface_style: surface_style = self.surface_style else: surface_style = DEFAULT_SURFACESTYLE if surface_style.color_fill: points = self.polygon_points() ax.add_patch(Polygon(points, closed=True, **surface_style.mpl_arguments()), **kwargs) return ax
[docs] class Label(PlotDataObject): """ An object that adds a label to PrimitiveGroups. :param title: the text displayed in the label :type title: str :param text_style: customizing the text :type text_style: TextStyle :param rectangle_surface_style: the label's rectangle interior \ customization :type rectangle_surface_style: SurfaceStyle :param rectangle_edge_style: the label's rectangle edge customization :type rectangle_edge_style: EdgeStyle """ def __init__(self, title: str, text_style: TextStyle = None, rectangle_surface_style: SurfaceStyle = None, rectangle_edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, shape: PlotDataObject = None, name: str = ''): self.title = title self.text_style = text_style self.rectangle_surface_style = rectangle_surface_style self.rectangle_edge_style = rectangle_edge_style self.shape = shape PlotDataObject.__init__(self, type_='label', name=name)
[docs] class MultipleLabels(PlotDataObject): """ Draws one or several labels. MultipleLabels can be instantiated by PrimitiveGroup. :param labels: a list of Labels :type labels: List[Label] """ def __init__(self, labels: List[Label], name: str = ''): self.labels = labels PlotDataObject.__init__(self, type_='multiplelabels', name=name)
[docs] class PrimitiveGroup(Figure): """ A class for drawing multiple primitives and contours inside a canvas. :param primitives: a list of Contour2D, Arc2D, LineSegment2D, \ Circle2D, Line2D or MultipleLabels :type primitives: List[Union[Contour2D, Arc2D, LineSegment2D, \ Circle2D, Line2D, MultipleLabels, Wire, Point2D]] """ _plot_commands = "CONTOUR_COMMANDS" _plot_buttons = "EMPTY_BUTTONS" def __init__(self, primitives: List[Union[Contour2D, Arc2D, LineSegment2D, Circle2D, Line2D, MultipleLabels, Wire, Point2D]], width: int = 750, height: int = 400, attribute_names: List[str] = None, axis_on: bool = False, name: str = ''): self.primitives = primitives self.attribute_names = attribute_names super().__init__(width=width, height=height, type_='draw', axis_on=axis_on, name=name)
[docs] def mpl_plot(self, ax=None, equal_aspect=True, **kwargs): """ Plots using matplotlib. """ for primitive in self.primitives: ax = primitive.mpl_plot(ax=ax, **kwargs) if equal_aspect and ax: ax.set_aspect('equal') return ax
[docs] def save_to_image(self, filepath, remove_axis=True): """ Save PrimitiveGroup to a picture generated with matplotlib. """ ax = self.mpl_plot() if remove_axis: ax.set_axis_off() ax.figure.savefig(filepath, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) else: ax.figure.savefig(filepath) plt.close(ax.figure)
[docs] def bounding_box(self): """ Get 2D bounding box of current PrimitiveGroup. """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = math.inf, -math.inf, math.inf, -math.inf for primitive in self.primitives: if not hasattr(primitive, 'bounding_box'): continue p_xmin, p_xmax, p_ymin, p_ymax = primitive.bounding_box() xmin = min(xmin, p_xmin) xmax = max(xmax, p_xmax) ymin = min(ymin, p_ymin) ymax = max(ymax, p_ymax) return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
[docs] class PrimitiveGroupsContainer(Figure): """ A class for drawing several PrimitiveGroups in one canvas. :param primitive_groups: a list of PrimitiveGroups :type primitive_groups: List[PrimitiveGroup] :param sizes: [size0,...,size_n] where size_i = [width_i, length_i] is the size of primitive_groups[i] :type sizes: List[Tuple[float, float]] :param coords: In the same way as sizes but for coordinates. :type coords: List[Tuple[float, float]] :param associated_elements: A list containing the associated elements indices. associated_elements[i] is associated with primitive_groups[i]. It only works if this object is inside a MultiplePlots. :type associated_elements: List[int] :param x_variable: variable that you want to display on x axis :type x_variable: str :param y_variable: variable that you want to display on y axis :type y_variable: str """ _plot_commands = "PRIMITIVE_GROUP_CONTAINER_COMMANDS" _plot_buttons = "EMPTY_BUTTONS" def __init__(self, primitive_groups: List[PrimitiveGroup], sizes: List[Tuple[float, float]] = None, coords: List[Tuple[float, float]] = None, associated_elements: List[int] = None, x_variable: str = None, y_variable: str = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = ''): for i, value in enumerate(primitive_groups): if not isinstance(value, PrimitiveGroup): primitive_groups[i] = PrimitiveGroup(primitives=value) self.primitive_groups = primitive_groups if sizes is not None and isinstance(sizes[0], int): sizes = [sizes] * len(primitive_groups) self.sizes = sizes self.coords = coords if associated_elements: self.association = {'associated_elements': associated_elements} if x_variable or y_variable: attribute_names = [] if x_variable: attribute_names.append(x_variable) if y_variable: attribute_names.append(y_variable) self.association['attribute_names'] = attribute_names super().__init__(width=width, height=height, type_='primitivegroupcontainer', axis_on=axis_on, name=name)
[docs] class ParallelPlot(Figure): """ Draws a parallel coordinates plot. :param elements: a list of vectors. Vectors must have the same attributes (ie the same keys) :param edge_style: for customizing lines :param disposition: either 'vertical' or 'horizontal' depending on how you want the initial disposition to be. :param axes: a list on attribute names you want to display as axis on this parallel plot. :param rgbs: a list of rgb255 colors for color interpolation. Color interpolation is enabled when clicking on an axis. """ _plot_commands = "PARALLELPLOT_COMMANDS" _plot_buttons = "EMPTY_BUTTONS" def __init__(self, elements: List[Sample] = None, edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, disposition: str = None, axes: List[str] = None, rgbs: List[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = ''): if elements is None: elements = [] sampled_elements = [] for element in elements: # RetroCompat' < 0.11.0 if not isinstance(element, Sample) and isinstance(element, Dict): reference_path = element.pop("reference_path", "#") element_name = element.pop("name", "") sampled_elements.append(Sample(values=element, reference_path=reference_path, name=element_name)) elif isinstance(element, Sample): sampled_elements.append(element) else: raise ValueError(f"Element of type {type(element)} cannot be used as a ParrallelPlot data element.") self.elements = sampled_elements self.edge_style = edge_style self.disposition = disposition self.attribute_names = axes self.rgbs = rgbs super().__init__(width=width, height=height, type_='parallelplot', axis_on=axis_on, name=name)
class Histogram(Figure): """ The Histogram object. This class can be instantiated in Multiplot. :param x_variable: The name of x variable :type x_variable: str :param elements: A list of vectors. :type elements: list(dict) :param axis: axis style customization. The number of points cannot\ be changed for a histogram :type axis: Axis :param graduation_nb: the number of graduations on the x axis. Default = 6.\ This parameter doesn't make sense for a non float x axis. :type graduation_nb: float :param edge_style: histogram rectangles edge style :type edge_style: EdgeStyle :param surface_style: histogram rectangle surface style :type surface_style: SurfaceStyle """ _plot_commands = "HISTOGRAM_COMMANDS" _plot_buttons = "EMPTY_BUTTONS" def __init__(self, x_variable: str, elements=None, axis: Axis = None, graduation_nb: float = None, edge_style: EdgeStyle = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = ''): if elements is None: elements = [] sampled_elements = [] for element in elements: # RetroCompat' < 0.11.0 if not isinstance(element, Sample) and isinstance(element, Dict): reference_path = element.pop("reference_path", "#") element_name = element.pop("name", "") sampled_elements.append(Sample(values=element, reference_path=reference_path, name=element_name)) elif isinstance(element, Sample): sampled_elements.append(element) else: raise ValueError(f"Element of type '{type(element)}' cannot be used as a MultiPlot data element.") self.x_variable = x_variable self.elements = sampled_elements self.axis = axis self.graduation_nb = graduation_nb self.edge_style = edge_style self.surface_style = surface_style super().__init__(width=width, height=height, type_='histogram', axis_on=axis_on, name=name)
[docs] class MultiplePlots(Figure): """ A class for drawing multiple PlotDataObjects (except MultiplePlots) in one canvas. :param plots: a list of plots (Scatter, ParallelPlot, PrimitiveGroup, PrimitiveGroupContainer, Graph2D) :param sizes: [size0,...,size_n] where size_i = [width_i, length_i] is the size of plots[i] :param elements: a list of vectors. All vectors must have the same attributes (ie the same keys) :param coords: same as sizes but for plots' coordinates. :param point_families: a list of point families :param initial_view_on: True for enabling initial layout, False otherwise """ _plot_commands = "MULTIPLOT_COMMANDS" _plot_buttons = "MULTIPLOT_BUTTONS" def __init__(self, plots: List[PlotDataObject], sizes: List[Window] = None, elements: List[Sample] = None, coords: List[Tuple[float, float]] = None, point_families: List[PointFamily] = None, initial_view_on: bool = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = ''): if elements is None: elements = [] sampled_elements = [] for element in elements: # RetroCompat' < 0.11.0 if not isinstance(element, Sample) and isinstance(element, Dict): reference_path = element.pop("reference_path", "#") element_name = element.pop("name", "") sampled_elements.append(Sample(values=element, reference_path=reference_path, name=element_name)) elif isinstance(element, Sample): sampled_elements.append(element) else: raise ValueError(f"Element of type '{type(element)}' cannot be used as a MultiPlot data element.") self.elements = sampled_elements self.plots = plots self.sizes = sizes self.coords = coords self.points_sets = point_families self.initial_view_on = initial_view_on super().__init__(width=width, height=height, type_='multiplot', axis_on=axis_on, name=name)
def plot_data_path(local: bool = False, version: str = None): """ Get path of plot_data package to write it in html file of Figure to draw. """ version, folder, filename = get_current_link(version=version) if local: core_path = os.sep.join(__file__.split(os.sep)[:-2] + [folder, filename]) if os.path.isfile(core_path): return core_path.replace(" ", "%20") print(f'Local compiled {core_path} not found, fall back to CDN') return f'{version}/{filename}' def make_filepath(filepath: str = None): """ Build path of written html file of Figure to draw. """ if not filepath: filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.html')[1] if not filepath.endswith('.html'): filepath += '.html' print(f'Changing name to {filepath}') return filepath
[docs] def plot_canvas(plot_data_object: Figure, filepath: str = None, local: bool = False, canvas_id: str = 'canvas', force_version: str = None, width: float = None, height: float = None): """ Creates a html file and plots input data in web browser. :param plot_data_object: a PlotDataObject(ie Scatter, ParallelPlot,\ MultiplePlots, Graph2D, PrimitiveGroup or PrimitiveGroupContainer) :type plot_data_object: PlotDataObject :param local: uses local library if True, uses typescript \ library from cdn if False :type local: bool :param canvas_id: set canvas' id, ie name :type canvas_id: str :param width: set the canvas' width: :type width: str :param height: set the canvas' height :type height: str :param page_name: set the created html file's name :type page_name: str """ if width: plot_data_object.width = width if height: plot_data_object.height = height plot_data_object.plot(filepath=filepath, local=local, canvas_id=canvas_id, version=force_version)
def write_json_for_tests(plot_data_object: PlotDataObject, json_path: str): """ Write JSON file of data to be used in Cypress tests of Typescript module. """ if not json_path.endswith(".json"): json_path += ".json" print("Added '.json' at the end of json_path variable.") data = plot_data_object.to_dict() json_data = json.dumps(data) with open(json_path, "wb") as file: file.write(json_data.encode('utf-8'))
[docs] def get_csv_vectors(filepath): """ Get csv vector of a VectoredObject (does not exist anymore). """ raise NotImplementedError("get_csv_vectors function is not implemented anymore" "as dessia_common's vectored_objects as been removed")
[docs] def bounding_box(plot_datas: List[PlotDataObject]): """ Calls input plot_datas' bounding_box method, if it has one. :param plot_datas: The target object the bounding_box method has to\ be called from :type plot_datas: List[PlotDataObject] :return: a bounding box :rtype: float, float, float, float """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = math.inf, -math.inf, math.inf, -math.inf for plot in plot_datas: if hasattr(plot, 'bounding_box'): bounding_box_ = plot.bounding_box() xmin, xmax = min(xmin, bounding_box_[0]), max(xmax, bounding_box_[1]) ymin, ymax = min(ymin, bounding_box_[2]), max(ymax, bounding_box_[3]) return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
def get_current_link(version: str = None) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """ Get link of plot_data package. """ folder = "lib" filename = "core.js" package = sys.modules[sys.modules[__name__].__package__] if version is None: version = package.__version__ splitted_version = version.split(".") if len(splitted_version) > 3: splitted_version.pop() splitted_version[2] = str(int(splitted_version[2]) - 1) formatted_version = "v" + ".".join(splitted_version) if formatted_version == 'v0.6.2': folder = "dist" filename = "plot-data.js" if formatted_version == "v0.7.0": folder = "lib" filename = "plot-data.js" if int(splitted_version[0]) >= 0\ and int(splitted_version[1]) >= 7\ and int(splitted_version[1]) >= 1: folder = "libdev" filename = "plot-data.js" return formatted_version, folder, filename